Side One: Track One

It's human nature to seek meaning from certain milestones --- a catalyst, a failure, a beginning. It's also human nature to assume.

You: Another person masquerading as a blogger? Dope. Well, I guess I'm already here so what kind of blog is this? What was the exigence behind creating this? Will all posts circle a central theme? Do I care? 

Me: I'm a creature of habit like everyone else. I drink a cup of tea every morning. I read the last sentence of the last page of any book I read before deciding whether or not to read it. I believe in rules, but perhaps even more strongly that those same rules don't always apply to me. Our habits are the same, even if our habits differ radically. 

That's why I believe a disclaimer is a logical placemat for this first post. The central theme of my writing is to explore topics that, well, get my nads going. Ideas that help us explore and potentially better understand what moves us, both individually and collectively. See also: the theme is there's no theme. I'd rather scheme up questions that I'm dying to answer myself. Questions like...

Can our music listening habits inform us about our ability to achieve success? What are the biggest triggers for situational anorgasmia, and how are our dating profiles our biggest cockblock yet? How can we expedite the learning process inherent with moving to a new city without trolling Yelp? As a society, what are we really bad at, and what does this say about us? Will we ever be able to hardwire happiness?

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind. What I'm likely thinking about when I'm idling in a turning lane, or when I "should" be doing something "productive." 


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